Getting your children baptised is bad news because:


§      It makes them a member of a religion without their consent.  It suggests that the religion is more important than their rights and what is best for them when their consent is so unimportant. 

§      Baptism is a promise to have them indoctrinated by this religion when they are so vulnerable and easily conditioned and by people who don’t have the expertise or the honesty to look into religion objectively to see what is best for the child.  There is a lot of harmful religion and harmful spirituality about.  The philosophy with the least mysteries, eg how God could be one God in three persons, is the one that children should be exposed to if any.  The less mystery the more credibility and security.  Religion is full of rules that it says the human mind cannot understand but which God does for he knows best which makes it dangerous.  What if a woman dies over not having an abortion though it was necessary to save her life?  The Church says this is God’s law and God knows what he is doing and he sometimes makes laws that seem odd just because he sees that having them pushes chance in such a direction that our spiritual betterment is implemented for everything that happens ha direct and indirect effects and short-term and long-term effects.  But what if the Church is wrong about God and what if there is no God?  We have a woman that died over a fanatical so-called mystery.  But God is only a belief and nobody has the right to die for it or ask others to die for it or encourage such deaths in any way.

§      The alternative which is not to have them baptised but to let them hear about different religions and be taught not by word but example about being good so that they can make their own decision later in life when they are mature and better able to find out what faith or none suits them the best – everybody is so different – respects their freedom.  It treats them as people not as statistics, promotes thinking for themselves and helps prevent sectarian bigotry from getting a grip on them.

§      The view that children need to be entered into a religion instead of doing the hard work to find a religion that suits them is invalid.  It is learning to be good citizens that they need and that is simple.   If religion should be at the heart of your life as the command of Christ suggested when he said, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy strength and all thy mind” then it is wrong to discourage searching no matter how hard the searching will be.

§      The doctrine of the Church that children have original sin which needs baptism to be forgiven and to undo the bias it causes towards sin is a sectarian and bigoted thesis.  It accuses those who do not have their children baptised of harming them and making them harm others.  It is accepted that people who believe people outside their sect are inferior are bigots and this is socially opposed these days so baptism should be opposed as well.  And we see no difference between baptised and unbaptised children.  In fact Muslims are often holier than baptised people.  The doctrine is laced with bigotry.

§      If God is really good he can forgive original sin without baptism and should if he has any sense.  By letting it effect us at all he proves himself worse than the Devil for the Devil only asks you to sin but God gives you the inclination to frequently rebel.  He made the laws that caused original sin.

§      Original sin is in essence my self-will, I want my own way and not God’s way.  We never stop being like that so it is a deliberate lie for the Church to tell us that baptism takes original sin away and reduces its bad effects.  What is the point of entering your child into an institution that gives it an example like that?

§      Religion encourages the deadly vice of credulity and has the nerve to deny it.  For example, if the apostles satisfied themselves that Jesus did indeed rise from the dead which does not amount to much for they were ordinary men and were not expert psychologists, theologians and scientists then we should not believe them for it is more likely a mistake has been made and/or a lie has been told.  If we are going to believe them then we should believe all zany tall tales.

§      If God wants us to be involved in religion then he will use his psychic influence on us to make us see the truth and the religion that teaches it which is one reason why the Christians say that faith is a gift from God that cannot be naturally explained.  Baptism allegedly infuses faith so it supports this evil notion.  This notion is responsible for the suspicion that exists between religions for it means there is no excuse for being wrong except being sinful and lazy and imprudent which is not an excuse.  It helps cause violence.  The truth is that theology is just human thinking and you should believe what you think is right which shows that Churches are just a scam to limit your right to think.

§      Sacraments, symbolic rites like baptism and communion that actually confer grace (the help from God that enables one to do God’s will), are blasphemous and superstitious.  God will give grace when you ask for it and will not wait until you undertake a rite.  If God comes first you need to be totally sure the rites will work which is impossible.  If we could be very good by effort and prayer there would be no need for sacraments so they urge you to be imperfect so that you will need them.  You cannot put God first if you believe you should not be very good until you get his grace to improve your virtue in a sacrament which is not very inspiring!  If we may believe that we need sacraments to get grace what is to stop us believing that we need to give the pope money or let him sleep with our children to get grace?