Talking about your faith in a higher power that looks after you is a bad idea because:


§      It is arrogance to say that it looks after you when there are so many people out there who suffer terribly and come to bad ends.  You are saying that your welfare is more important in the plan of things than theirs.  What right has anybody to say serious things like that without undeniable proof?  (It is worse than saying that, “My religion is right and nobody can go to heaven outside of it” which is nearly universally frowned upon these days.)  If they have then you should let a surgeon who could be an impostor operate on you without proof of his credentials and experience.

§      The higher power is to be loved more than yourself and any human person for it deserves it more than anybody.  Is that because it is good?  No it cannot be because when it needs nothing it can forgo the right to be adored and loved and indeed should for then it is not really a right.  The Church says God asks us to love him because we want to be with him for he is the perfect source of happiness for he is perfect goodness.  But happiness is just a feeling anyway so he can implant it like drugs can but without any bad effects.  We don’t need to be with God to be happy.  So God is loved for no reason except that religion wants us to serve him and he is presented as a being that goes out of his way to make us need him.  This is the tyrannical might is right philosophy and explains why believers have been so strongly inclined towards violence throughout history.  We do not desire perfect happiness – imperfect happiness will suffice and we all get by on it if we accept it.

§      If we are to love the higher power or God or Jesus more than ourselves then is it because the power is good, powerful or conscious?  Consciousness is the most important element of being a person.  It is the absolute essential.  So God should be reverenced more because he is conscious than anything else and certainly not because he has power for power doesn’t automatically give the right to be respected.  When his awareness is his essential it follows that it determines how we should treat him not his goodness.  We must respect his awareness because it is him and his goodness is just something his consciousness can exist without.  This indicates that we must put God on the same level as ourselves and give him no more respect than is due to anybody else.  In other words, we cannot consider him to be a real God for God means the supreme being that is perfect and deserving of all the love that has ever been lavished and more.

§      Idolaters are condemned as sinners by God throughout the Bible though they would need to truly believe that statues and the sun and moon or whatever are gods to do that.  This condemns sincere belief as sinful, which is impossible.  It can be bad but not deliberately evil so it is not sin.  If sincere belief then with good intent is sinful so is belief in God who says he is the one true God.  If belief in God is not sinful then God does not care if you believe or not.  You can worship the Queen of Sheba for all he cares.

§      We all consider idolatry to be vulgar and degrading for it treats wood and stone as better than a human person.  Catholics adoring wafers as the body and blood of Jesus Christ who is God is evil because it says these wafers are more valuable than a human person while nothing must be allowed to deny the absolute value of the person.  The reason persons should be happy is because persons and human life are more important than anything else which is why their happiness is important.  Catholics are idolaters for they approve of the reason why idolatry is so bad.  They get away with it for too many think their bad attitude is harmless and they answer that it is different for them to regard a wafer as more important than a person for it really is God the most important person is a cop-out for the pagan idolaters say the same about their idols.  But if you are allowed to have a bad attitude then you are allowed to harm for that is what bad attitude is for.  We find the Mass extremely offensive and hurtful.

§      To say the higher power lets people suffer for a purpose is to say that evil is not thoroughly intolerable.  It partly condones it and that is totally offensive because it is best and safest to believe humans should not be imperfectly good or suffer full stop.  It is desensitising and when Christians say they don’t find it that way we can be sure that it is in spite of their faith for that is not what would be expected.  We have to put up with evil only when we can’t get rid of it but that does not mean we should agree with this state of affairs.  If we are going to pass over the assumption that evil should hurt people then why not pass over people who advocate the belief that disabled people deserve what they suffer because of sins committed in a past life and should be gloated about?  It is unforgiveable for a Christian to condone God sending a killer virus to a baby when he or she is alive and well for he or she is not on the receiving end.  Additionally, life is more important than happiness when we should all be happy.  The same is true of every moment of life – it is absolutely valuable.  Therefore God has no right to hurt us or let a disease attack us for any reason.  He should use force fields so that we cannot hurt each other and let us harbour black hearts if we want without trying to discipline us by suffering for we will enjoy them and happiness comes first.  He could do something if not this.  There certainly should be no dying allowed by God for life is so valuable.  Religion is totally evil for all evil is a refusal to value human persons and there is no excuse to be made for it and if there is then we must say those who incite to murder mean well.  A God who permits suffering could also permit the unnecessarily killing of his children for both equally deny the absolute value of life.  To honour God is to honour death.

§      The higher power is more generous in his grace, the help to live a good life, and his blessings to some rather than others.  Believers say he owes us nothing for we are sinners so he can give and retain grace as he likes.  But that is saying God has the right to leave some people more open to the influence of evil and sin than others.  He does not.  A God like that has no business condemning evil and he denies he has the right to be served. 

§      It is always idolatry to adore God for it is men and women that invent God.  You never love or like anybody.  You like the image you have created of them in your mind.  It is the same with God.  To make God, God is to make a bigger God of the people who created this perception in you for the revealer is more important and therefore more trusted than the revealed.  If you believe an apparition that tells you about God you believe to gratify your feelings and not because you think it is telling the truth.  It is you, you believe in and in what you want – not the apparition and certainly not what it reveals.  Miracles then are not to be desired for they are signs for nothing and you should tell Our Lady if she appears to you to go and do a healing or something sensible with her time instead of selfishly spending time with her.

§      Scientists and philosophers disagree on whether or not God can be proven.  Those few that do believe do not agree on what kind of God exists.  So to adore God then is to adore a construct of human opinion.  So there is no point then in adoring him.

§      Forgiveness, the big attraction about believing in a higher power who forgives sin, is an act of hypocrisy.  It is said we have to forgive and be merciful for none of us is innocent.  But that is not forgiveness and it is grudging.  It is done not because it is right but because we can’t always take justice.  It is like forcing somebody to give you a sweet and calling them generous.  Oh the damn hypocrisy!  So the higher power then is a hypocrite too for his forgiving implies as much.  He could simply not forgive when he is unable to punish but still hold to the underlying attitude that you should be punished.  Forgiveness is not an act of kindness for we are said to be punished because we are persons so punishment is an act of love and respect for us and giving us what we asked for.

§      At Church you are told about a God of miracles or supernatural acts that change natural law.  This is harmful because it undermines the strength of our belief in nature which we need to have for the sake of humankind and nothing has the right to diminish the absolute importance of the human person.  For example, it makes you slightly less sure that a man blowing himself up will die for a miracle might save him.  Even if you believe God will not save him this is only a belief that could be right or wrong and you are still less sure that he will die.  The more miracles you believe in the more evil you become.  Jesus Christ, the prime miracle monger, was evil.

§      The higher power will do things that we cannot understand and which test our faith.  So the power than can have rules that we don’t understand like birth-control and safe sex outside of marriage being necessarily wrong like you have in the Papal Church.  This is dangerous for it opens the way for religion to do harm with evil rules while using the excuse that the rules are a mystery beyond reason but not against it.  The truth is that if the mysteries are beyond reason you don’t know if they really are not against it.  You don’t know if the revelation you were led to believe came from God is credible or not when it contains mystery.  One error is enough to refute the divine origin for God makes no mistakes but the more mysteries the worse it is.