your neighbour as yourself is bad news because:



You cannot love your neighbour as yourself and there is nothing to be ashamed of for that is the way we are.  Everything you do you do it for yourself even when you hate doing it for you want to do it more than not want to.  So when you do good for another person it is not because you value them.    You value the feelings that make you help them.  You can’t do good for another person unless it is going to please yourself. I mean when you like something you mean you find your own fulfilment in it.  Liking means finding satisfaction so when you like a person you are not valuing that person but how they make you feel.  So you love yourself in the sense that you value yourself alone but you love your neighbour in the sense that you like your neighbour.  Love is liking.  But you do not value your neighbour as yourself for you cannot and you do not like your neighbour as yourself either.


You are called selfish or too self-loving when you are ungrateful for that will harm yourself which is a strange kind of selfishness.  Real selfishness is what is best for yourself and for others.  Even when we act as if we are concerned for others and not ourselves we are concerned just for ourselves.  Everything you do is done only for self-love.  For example, when you help a sick stranger it is because you, you believe in it and want to believe in it and not for them.  It cannot be for any other reason.  It is not the stranger you value but yourself but in the broad sense of love which is helping others you do love them which is not what the commandment means.  People want you to help them because you like to and not because you feel you ought to.  We want each other to practice this kind of self-centredness. 


You should not love your neighbour as yourself but love yourself through your neighbour for there is no need to demean yourself by loving your neighbour as yourself.  This means enjoying seeing others happy.  This does not mean you do evil but it means you live the same way as a person who says you must love your neighbour as yourself does but the only difference will be is that you have the honesty not to pretend you are being unselfish.  


Love your neighbour as yourself is hypocrisy.  Religion is founded on this insincerity.  All who preach religion are behind the evil that the people who listen to them do because they create an evil system that can’t make them better people though they say it can.  Good happens in spite of faith and not because of it.  If you give a psychopath a pill that won’t help him or that shouldn’t then you are as much the cause of any crime he commits as he is even though you didn’t tell him to commit it.  Religion is too silly for people not to notice and so it is undoubtedly a wilful con.



The fact that God says in the Bible he commanded love of neighbour as oneself through Moses and Jesus Christ is enough to condemn the commandment.  Say the rule is right.  How could God command what should command itself?  I mean if it is good then he has no need to command it at all but just to draw our attention to it and its rightness.  A commanding God means one thing: that human beings are dirt and have no right to expect any proper treatment from God and that they should be dominated by an interfering divine dictator and by religious leaders who represent him.  Religion means war and that people should not think for themselves and it shows that religion dislikes people and is two-faced when it seems friendly for if you liked people you would trust them and not be trying to give them a God who issues orders to keep them in line.


Jesus who made this law of so-called love said it was related to and like the command to love God with all your heart and so Christianity has always taught that the two go together.  In other words, the stronger your faith in God the more you love your neighbour.  This accuses doubters and atheists of being trouble and of being undesirable people.  It opposes the right to have and express your own opinion.  It is pro-discrimination.


Loving as yourself implies that if you have one neighbour you should share half your love for you and half for the neighbour so it must be a sin to treat yourself, which is loving only yourself, for you must involve him.  Therefore the more people you have to serve the less you should serve yourself and you should only serve yourself like go to the doctor for medical help when you are ill so that you can help others better.  The more neighbours you serve the better so the commandment soon puts the loving yourself totally off the picture.  Most people take love your neighbour as yourself to mean you care for your neighbour’s feeling as much as your own.  But what if the neighbour has a mental illness that makes him need you as a slave and which will afflict him horribly if you don’t comply with his every wish?  Most people will say you should still have your own life but it shows the duplicity and fake charm of the love neighbour as yourself doctrine.


Love your neighbour as yourself in practice means you love your neighbour more than yourself because since you cannot judge others like you judge yourself it means you can let them manipulate you for to treat them fairly means you have to be more trusting of them than you are of yourself. 


Some people believe that casting spells for their neighbours is loving them as themselves!  You can be sure that Jesus would disagree with this so what he meant by loving your neighbour was treating your neighbour as Jesus would treat her.  That is, he wants neighbours treated according to his rules so rather than respecting your neighbour you end up imposing your faith system on their lives.  It is love to prevent your neighbour having access to heretical books for somebody has to be displeased in cases of conflict and Jesus who comes first will be unhappy if you don’t do it his way as will his Church be.  Jesus told the unfortunate ordinary people he preached to that if their Roman persecutors forced them to carry their packs one mile for them to generously carry it a second mile (Matthew 5:41).  To be so kind to hardened killers who hate you and your people and who will laugh at you is certainly not loving yourself as much as them.  You could have found better things to do, like helping decent people, than go an extra mile.  Jesus would have told you to do what they ask but no more but to be pleasant if he had really believed in love neighbour as yourself.


Loving your neighbour as yourself is impossible for you love the perception you have created of your neighbour as yourself not your neighbour.  Jesus was commanding the impossible to break us down.  He was commanding that we blind ourselves just because he said so.  The commandment is pro-deception and a load of whitewash.


To love your neighbour as yourself you would have to love the sinner and hate the sin – and we are supposed to be all sinners.  But you cannot do this any more than you can love your eyes and hate your sight.  To say John’s painting is bad is to say John is a bad artist.  So you cannot separate the sin from the sinner and it is a lie to say you can.  The person who says you have done wrong is saying you are bad as a person and that is that and they wouldn’t be saying it unless they thought you did it deliberately.  So loving your neighbour as yourself is just a Christian scam for money, influence and power.


It implies we must forgive each other.  Forgiveness condemns the sin and then it treats it as if it was nothing by letting the sinner off.  So it is saying it is bad and it is not bad and has the same results as rewarding the sin.  The fact that we can’t punish everybody is no excuse for forgiving for if you can’t punish you can’t but forgiving goes further.  It is best to hold that instead of forgiving people we should see them as victims of evil rather than the causes of evil for there is no such thing as free will.


Jesus believed that love is voluntary.  That is, you do it of your own free will and are not programmed by causes.  But what you are most sure of comes before anything else.  I am more sure pain is real than that free will is real for I could be programmed to wrongly think I’m free but I cannot doubt that I suffer when I suffer.  Therefore for Jesus Christ to come along and suggest that I should accuse other people of freely causing human suffering by causing it of their own free will is Jesus asking for us to make trouble.


Let those who are disturbed by this teaching realise that they practice it anyway.  They just need to see it.