How to get meaning in life, how to feel your life has a purpose and is worth living.


Life is worth living because you can be content.  Have simple tastes that are easy to fulfil and keep.


Life is worth living because you can find what gives purpose in life by trying new things and shedding old ideas for everybody is different and has different needs and you need to find out what makes you tick. 


When you can get meaning from by deluding yourself that the lies the Church tells you are true that shows that it is in your power alone to give your life meaning.  You can do it another way.  Hope.  Trust in yourself.  That is why the view that religion should be encouraged for its fantasies make people happy is unacceptable and stupid.


Perfect and permanent happiness will never happen.  We can get by on imperfect happiness.


All religions from Christianity to Buddhism are evil because they tell you if you do what they say you will have this amazing happiness and peace on earth and after.  The Christians tell you that you desire perfect happiness and only God can satisfy that desire.  They cruelly condition you to think this is true  making you pine for your own death and that of others.  You can be content with moderate happiness therefore God is not that important.  If you can be happy enough without belief in God then there is nothing wrong with that despite their insinuation that there is and that you are evil.  We are all imperfectly happy and what makes one happy makes another miserable so they have no right to say this.  You do not need them for imperfect happiness.  They are trying to create a need where there is none by their conditioning.  To promise too much happiness is dangerous and the root cause of psychological mental disorders for people become sure there is something wrong with them because they don’t feel perfectly content and they get angry and insecure and may do cruel things instead of just accepting and making the best of whatever imperfect happiness is available.


Be a liberal for not being one gives you more morals to worry about.  It makes you see people as badder than you should see them.  We must be liberal in our politics because liberalism seeks to let people find out what they want to do and do it without being under duress.  Those who want to restrict our freedom accuse us of not being liberal.  For example, Catholics who oppose birth control and abortion and divorce say liberals are intolerant and not so liberal when it comes to their wishes.  But what do they expect for they are trying to stop people doing what they believe in and cannot settle for agreeing to disagree?  We let them do what they want but we will not let them force their ban say on divorce on the country.  You can’t be a liberal if you let schemes to remove freedom do their worst unchecked.


You feel safest with what you are used to so look at everything and make sure you realise what you have and how good it is.  Look after your body more than your soul for at least you can see the body and touch it so looking after the body should help your mind get healthier for you feel safer and see the results.  The Church has always said that looking after the body and the mind is less important than the soul which exposes it for the anti-happiness rip-off that it is.  The soul is thought to be what’s left when your body and mind perish in death and it can only be looked after by prayer and religion!


Religious faith always thrives on false humility which is a form of excessive pride for the religious smugly believe that the greatest being ever is delighted with their faithfulness which is an incredibly brazen boast.


Don’t be involved with religion for it is to blame for all the evil done in its name because it promises to give help to live a better life by the power of its gospel which is the source of the grace of God.  It has no right to do this without the scientific method.  Science can verify that certain drugs help you but religion has no similar verification.  In fact medical science doesn’t like religion.  All the pages associated with CARMEL prove how bad religion is so any good religion does is really a kind of sweetened up evil.  Don’t help it to do its evil work.