No good done by a person for a religion that believes in harming children deserves praise or credit.  There is nothing worse than harming a child.  The: “I would help the poor but hurt a child” attitude is clearly evil.  There was a Roman Catholic child who at seven years of age was tormented by fears that his unbelieving father could go to Hell to suffer forever.  There was the fear of going there himself.  That child now speaks up for the countless abuse victims of the clerics who comprise the decision-making for the evil Roman Catholic Church.  Jesus said more about Hell than Heaven and there were children in his audience.  He is to be condemned as a false saint.


 I don’t like priests because:



1.    They lie that they have sufficient evidence that the faith taught by their religion is all true.  There is no evidence and the theological experts have serious disagreements on the logical arguments.  Just because somebody is very knowledgeable and intelligent doesn’t mean their logic or science is right.  If that were true we wouldn’t have extremely intelligent and knowledge atheist philosophers and extremely intelligent and knowledgeable theologians.  If a saint makes legs appear on a man who had no legs that is supposedly a sign from God for only God can do that.   In the case of miracles priests won’t even investigate the reality of miracles and apparitions with a message they don’t like and it is only a handful of the ones that do that they present as evidence or signs from God to support the message of their religion.  They filter the evidence and then claim to be honest! 


2.    They lie that they have faith in their God and that their religion is all true.  This is impossible because there is no evidence and you need to have evidence to be able to believe.  Blind faith is a contradiction in terms, what is called blind faith is really just guessing, and acting as if you believe.  It's self-deception and self-deception means you have to deliberately blind yourself.  It means you are a fraud who degrades yourself and those you influence in the name of dogma.  Whoever has faith in God without evidence is an idolater because he is worshipping his own fantasy and since he is the creator of that fantasy he must be better than it and so he is by proxy worshipping himself.


3.    They tell you they are serving God.  They are not.  They are not even serving their belief.  They lie that they have faith.  What they call faith is really just opinion.  Opinion is an assumption.  They are serving their religious opinions.  Their opinions of God and his teaching are their God not God.    They are serving their wishful thinking. The child who creates a fantasy playmate to do nice things for and have fun with is really just pleasing himself because he invents and creates this illusion.


4.    Even if they were serving a belief they would still be serving a belief, their belief, their creation.  To serve another person what I serve is what I believe about that person.  I believe that person exists - I cannot prove it .   I believe I can trust at least partly that person.  I never feel fire what I feel is heat.  This is the same principle.  To serve God is really self-worship.  You create a belief and worship it like the idolater making a god out of wood and adoring it.


5.    To serve a belief in a god that other people say you must have is to serve them not the god.   For example, somebody invents a Messiah for you to make the only reason to live  - just like the Christian God wants you to love him with all your heart.  And that Messiah wants heretics killed and other religions condemned as leading to Hell and the Messiah says that we don’t understand why he commands such things for he sees the complete picture and knows it leads to the greatest good.  Who gets the benefit?  Those who create the belief.  It’s really those persons you are serving and they bring in the Messiah yarn to prevent you seeing that.  Even if Jesus is God the Son as the pope says then Jesus may not be getting anything out of it but the pope certainly is.  Anyone who wants you to fall in love with a person whose existence cannot be proven is twisted. 


6.    Each one of us is the creator of our own belief therefore each one of us is the creator of our God and we all have one even atheists for we all have something we value most of all.  I am serving myself not a God.  Religion then is based on lies and is an accessory so any harm done over it is inexcusable and its good is not proper good.


7.    They say that you must love God most and with all your strength (not some of it) and love your neighbour as yourself secondly.  In other words, you are not good enough to be put before a belief!  We know today that unless you start with learning to love yourself and not God and not others you will never be able to be any good to others or yourself.  This doctrine of loving God first of all and most is entirely evil though taught by Christ (). 


8.    They deny that everything you do you do it for yourself.  That's who it is really intended to benefit not the other person.  Even when I do what I don't want to do I do want to do it under the circumstances.  Want means desire and when I do what I desire I do it to get some satisfaction at least out of it.  I am always looking for gratification therefore everything I do no matter how selfless it looks is done for me.  This is what everybody knows and yet religion denies it claiming that because God calls us to love him above all things and with all our hearts we can love God more than ourselves.  I am my own God and I cannot have any other.  When I do something for myself or even when I give my fortune away to a beggar, I am doing it because I am getting something out of it. That is why I do it.  The results may differ but my intention to please myself doesn’t.


9.    They tell you that only suffering can prove that you really love God with all your heart and more than yourself and others.  So religion requires heroism and heroic suffering just for the sake of the belief that God should be loved that much.  Everybody is called to heroism and must seek it out.  Those who don’t will be damned forever in Hell because Christ said that the command to love God with all our heart and strength was THE greatest commandment and the welfare of others was only the second.  To break the greatest commandment then is the greatest sin.  And everybody breaks it so nobody is going to Heaven.  Anyone who would refuse to love a suffering child first of all and chooses instead to love a God who cannot be harmed and a God who is perfectly happy because he is all-good is a psychopath to some degree. 


10. They say that divorce is bad and then they allow it when a member of a non-Christian or non-baptised couple converts to Christianity. 


11. They tell you that sin is a disorder and hateful but deny that this means that sinners are disordered and hateful which makes no sense.   We know it makes no sense for we all feel that if anybody deliberately hurts us that the person is evil in so far as he or she harms us.  To hate evil then is to hate a person and only persons can be evil.  To say John did a despicable thing is as much to say that John is despicable.  The people in Heaven enjoy Heaven despite the suffering in Hell because they don’t care on the grounds that the damned have only themselves to blame.  So the Church admits then not caring which is worse than hating for people have to care about you a bit to hate you is holy and a part of its faith.  It’s an evil faith that hates sin so much that it thinks sin should be punished forever if the person dies.


12. They take money off you that should be put into hospitals.  That they are not the only ones doing this should not even come into the discussion for that is not the point.  Politicians for example should be financing hospitals too instead of their coffers. 


13. They steal money off you saying its to pay them for speaking God’s truth.  Its theft for they give you no evidence that they are entitled to it. 


14. They say bigotry is a sin while their faith is based on it for they use it to control people’s lives in the way they want and call for suffering for God and believing in bizarre and even contradictory or paradoxical doctrines such as a man coming back from the dead and being fully God and fully man at the one time to name a few.  Yet they condemn others who do the same when it’s a different faith they come up with. 


15. They tell you that God raised Jesus from the dead to prove that Jesus’ doctrines and revelations were true.  They say that the other explanations of what might have happened which exclude a supernatural resurrection are harder to believe than in the resurrection.  This is nonsense for you should only believe that natural law has been altered or suspended as a last resort.  An implausible natural explanation is better than an unnatural one.  They are quick to agree when its another religion’s miracle claims that come up but not when its their own.   


16. They tell you that the Virgin Mary appeared at Lourdes in 1858 and that because such visions are not part of divine revelation but only draw attention to it they have no right to command what is harmful even though Mary urged drinking from a spring in an infectious dump!  The Church says that it is only human opinion that it was Mary and nobody is bound to agree for the only thing that we are bound to agree with is what God says in the Bible and the Church tradition.  This is another reason why the apparition is dangerous.  Medjugorje which had the children being abducted by communists and Fatima in which something similar happened then must be in the same boat. 


17. They tell you that revelation that must be accepted as revealed by God stopped with the death of the last apostle of Christ.  But its obviously a double standard when they teach that you must believe in the Bible miracles despite the weak evidence and you may reject the apparitions of Mary at Lourdes if you see problems when the latter have better verified miracles for they present the evidence of doctors to verify them.  Mary at Lourdes supported Church doctrine so in doing that she shot herself in the foot.


18. They tell you that contraception is a sin for a child should be seen as something to be wanted and something that is precious and which God will not send unless he should.  And then they allow people to try and avoid conception by using natural family planning or abstinence.


19. They tell you that no matter how extreme the circumstances euthanasia is wrong so human life must be more important than quality of life.  And if that’s so they can’t consistently allow morphine for dying patients for that will kill them.  Just because you are dying anyway doesn’t mean its not murder to kill you.  If life comes first the morphine is wrong.


20. They represent religion.  Everybody should do what works for them and experiment with spirituality instead of listening to their rules.  If people did that there would be no religious wars.  Religion causes many wars.


21. They teach that the pornographic adoration of a man suffering on the cross for us is good but then they forbid holding that sexual parts that give life should be reverenced religiously.  At least Witchcraft is right that the sexual parts are the most sacred parts of the body for they give life.   


22. They baptise your children with a view to indoctrinating them.  That is stealing your children.  Its child abuse.  Children should be taught about decency and integrity and nothing else.  What good does it do a child to teach them that a book like the Bible is the word of God?


23. They believe that those who die unrepentant of serious sin will suffer forever in Hell for it.  You need proof and not just proof but absolute proof to be able to say things like that and they haven’t got proof.  What could be more serious than saying anybody deserves eternal punishment? It can’t be even thought without some kind of vindictiveness.  The Bible says that serious sinners go to everlasting torment and human nature being what it is often can’t help hating the guts of those who are seen as leading others into such sin.  Catholicism underhandedly incites to hatred. 


24. They teach that baptism heals original sin which causes us to like sin so much.  Logically baptised people are superior to unbaptised and are more trustworthy.  This is nonsense and a deliberate lie and has fomented racism.  The sacraments have no unique power so the priests are just quacks for the soul.  Most of the baptised fall into a state of spiritual separation from the Church by “serious” sin such as scepticism towards certain doctrines of the Church and so on.  So even experience doesn’t support their nonsense, their deliberate lie, that anybody that is baptised is born again, turned into a new person who unlike before is mostly inclined to serve God and the Church.


25. They teach you that you must believe everything that is part of the faith they represent for you can’t pick and choose for either you believe God speaks through the leadership of the Church or he doesn’t especially when God can command things that look bad but which lead to more good in some way that we cannot understand for we only have a limited view.  This nonsense gives them incredible power over lives.  It’s dangerous.   


26. They say the Bible is the word of God though it has God commanding Jesus to make a human sacrifice of himself to God for sins and for adulterers, homosexuals and apostates to be put to death by stoning.  So they would wish that edifying books would disappear if there was a choice between them and the Bible disappearing!  There can be nothing better than the word of God but how could it be good to have children reading and adoring an evil twisted bigoted old book?


27. They never mention the Catholic doctrine that the Jewish Law was not done away with by Christ.  What he did away with was the penalty of not keeping the  Law perfectly for that is impossible anyway but you can keep it if you want.  St Paul in the book of Acts kept the Law long after he converted to Christ.  So this means the Church should control the state and allow the application of the Jewish Law including the capital punishment by stoning of adulterers and homosexuals and so forth.  Religions with dangerous scriptures should not be given any political power.


28. They never tell you that though Church decrees are infallible when intended to be and when the decrees are speaking to the whole Church that many of these decrees command the murder of heretics and those who contradict the faith of the Church.  It is not Islam that has the most statements encouraging holy war and religious murder.  It is Roman Catholicism.  Islam can be made into a religion of peace if it would just listen to the Koran only and remember that its God is said to be the Merciful – Roman Catholicism cannot without denying itself.  Its God wants heretics dead in case they corrupt others.


29. They say God allows suffering to happen so that we may show compassion to one another – obviously to deny this is to deny there is an Almighty and all-loving God.  To suggest that God stands by and allows terrible suffering for that reason is totally callous.  Does a good mother stand by and let her baby scream in agony so that the doctor can exercise compassion?  Could compassion be genuine when you assume that God allows suffering so that you may exercise it? That is saying that even if you are wrong you want to believe you are right and that people should suffer so that you may be compassionate.  That’s “compassion” not compassion.


30. They condemn magic but prayer is a form of magic.  When John prays for a bike he is trying to make his getting a bike happen.  He knows that people have got bikes after praying like him and then died on the roads as a result.  Witches do the same thing with spells in trying to make things happen.  Priests will say that unlike Witches John is leaving it up to God to send the bike or not.  But Witches say that spells can fail due to the witches or Gods not really wanting the result or some stronger force getting in the way.  There is no real difference.  Both are selfishly trying to control reality and what happens instead of leaving it up to the forces that know best.  Praying for people looked at as sinners is only hypocrisy for you can’t hate the sin and love the sinner and those who say they can are liars so the more you pray the more devious religion makes you!  The only prayer should be, “Lord, Thy will be done”.  Anything else is just trying to manipulate God.


31. They condemn divination but prayer for guidance and belief in the guiding presence of the Holy Spirit is divination.  Guidance is no good unless you feel that God is telling you to watch out for some people.  Divination and such prayer is evil because it is the desire to delve into the secrets of others.  The people who feel they get guidance from some psychic sense do it the same way as those who feel that god is guiding them.


32. They promote a hard difficult morality and they are pampered by being free from tax, family life, doing little work, having social status and big houses and fancy cars.  The parish pays for this and they can supplement their salary with donations received, masses and baptisms and marriages sold.  The rich of Christ’s day who he had harsh words for and said their entry into Heaven was just about impossible weren’t as well off in those terrible times.  One didn’t need an awful lot of money to be rich then!   Today’s priests are better off.  Jesus speaks Matthew 23:4 of the priests of the Jewish religion of his day, “They tie up heavy loads, hard to bear, and place them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves will not lift a finger to help bear them.”  These priests didn’t threaten eternal punishment on those who disobeyed their religion like Catholic priests do.  They didn’t claim to have supernatural powers which despite their aphorisms on equality makes them pretend they are to be treated like gods.  Equality in word not practice is not equality at all.  Their lies that the last sacrament they give can save you from Hell has brought untold distress to many who found themselves dying alone in car accidents. 




Priests have fanaticism and dysfunctionality written all over them and their policies.  Their lies and their simpering are a disgrace. 


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